

Therapy services are only for residents of Utah. Whether this is your first time in therapy or your 10th go around, this is for people who are trying to stabilize, process their emotions and trauma, and reconnect with themselves and their communities.


Services available for mental health professionals who are trying to improve their clinical skills. I can help you dig deeper with yourself so that you can go deeper with your clients. Remember, you can only go as deep with someone as you have gone with yourself. Services are also available for organizations that are trying to overcome organizational trauma by becoming more emotionally intelligent to provide a healthier work/life balance for their employees.


Coaching services are available wherever you are, nationally or internationally! You know how to do the work, your life is stable, you are not in crisis, and have the skills to sit with your emotions. If you are stuck and/or need additional guidance, coaching may be right for you.


Contact me if you’re interested in me speaking on one of my expertise topics: trauma, religious abuse, cultural issues, systemic oppression, chronic illnesses, mental health, etc.